Avoid running out of data or incurring extra charges with our free data alert service for all Pay Monthly mobile customers. We’ll automatically send you a reminder when you’ve used 50% of your allowance on our network and another one when you have reached 90% so you know to top up more data if you need it in any particular month.

This service complements our roaming text alert service – please remember that inclusive mobile data does not include roaming. You can find more information about roaming charges here.

How does this service work?

Text alerts will be triggered when you are using mobile data on-Island and your usage exceeds certain trigger points. You will receive a warning when you reach 50% of your allowance and a further warning when you reach 90% of your allowance. You will also receive an alert when all of your allowance has been used. The alerts will be sent to the device that is using the data.

Please note that this service is for guidance only and you should continue to keep track of your data usage as you may exceed your allowance before an alert is received.

Do I have to sign up for this service?

No, this service is provided automatically to our Pay Monthly customers. It is not available to Pay As You Go customers who can check their remaining allowances at any time by dialling *#143#

Is there a charge for this service?

No, mobile data alerts are provided free for Pay Monthly customers.

What if I use a dongle (USB modem) or other mobile device that isn’t set up to receive text messages?

You should be aware of mobile data charges before using your device. When we register high monthly usage by a dongle or similar device we will try to use alternative contact details through your Manx Telecom account to notify you, however this cannot be guaranteed. If in doubt, contact our Customer Services team on 624624.

I have a number of mobiles in a single Manx Telecom account, will these numbers be treated separately?

Yes, the Text Alert service relates to individual mobile numbers regardless of how many numbers are in your Manx Telecom account.

How do these Text Alerts affect the alerts I already receive whilst roaming?

The Mobile Data Text Alerts service runs completely independently to those alerts you may receive whilst roaming.  You should note that any inclusive mobile data and/or data bolt-on allowance is not applicable while roaming.  More information on our roaming text alert service can be found here.

What if I don’t receive the Text Alerts?

In the event that you do not receive Text Alert messages, for whatever reason, you are still liable for all data charges incurred. If you believe you should be receiving Text Alerts and you aren’t, please contact our Customer Service team on 624624 as soon as possible.

Can I opt out of the service?

Yes, simply contact our Customer Service team on 624624. By waiving our Text Alert service you will be asked to sign an understanding that you will be liable for any future mobile data charges.