What’s my roaming allowance

Some of our plans, including our newest Smart tariffs, come with data roaming charge protection built in. To find out what the roaming allowances are for your current plan, you can use our myMT platform.

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You roaming allowances are shown

Roaming Charges

Roaming In Calls to IOM, local fixed lines &mobiles Call International Receiving a Call SMS Worldwide Data per MB
Zone 1 56p £1.14 FREE 30p each 24p
Zone 2 64p £1.41 FREE 40p each 59p
Zone 3 £1.83 £2.30 £1.16 55p each £1.42
Zone 4 £2.30 £3.07 £1.73 69p each £10.69

Call, text and data charges apply when outside any inclusive bundle or allowance.  Call costs are per minute, per text, data Megabyte and include VAT @ 20% where appropriate. A minimum call charge of 60 seconds duration applies, per 60-second charge thereafter except free calls and fixed fee calls.

Minimum Charges

Voice Calls

When using Inclusive roaming minutes as part of your Smart Tariff in Zones 1 & 2 or making out of bundle calls the following apply;

Calls made within zone 1 to any other zone 1 country. 

Calls made within zones 1 and 2 to a fixed line or mobile within the same country.

Calls made within zones 1 and 2 to IOM and UK fixed lines & mobiles.

Roaming minutes do not roll over.

Calls made from zones 2, 3 or 4 to zone 1 (UK, channel islands, republic of Ireland) will be charged the same as a call to the Isle of Man.

Calls Charged in 60 second increments.


Minimum data charge is 10KB, data charged per byte thereafter.

Roaming Exclusions

Certain call types are excluded from the charges above:

  • Expensive national calls such as premium rate services, non-geographical services charged at a premium over ordinary calls
  • Calls to satellite services
  • Calls to maritime services
  • Some roaming destinations specialising in these services, e.g. cruise ship roaming, US extended networks

Country lists for each zone:

  • Zone 1 - UK, Channel Islands, Republic of Ireland
  • Zone 2 - Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey
  • Zone 3 - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Faroe Islands, Ghana, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Uruguay, USA
  • Zone 4 - All other international destinations.

View all pay monthly roaming destinations

Avoid Roaming Bill Shock

Roaming Allowances and Protection Some of our plans, including our newest Smart tariffs, come with data roaming charge protection built in. First, you need to check which tariff you are on, and what roaming options are included, you can do this from within our MyMT portal. Alternatively, contact our team on 624624 and we can help. As well as the tariff and roaming allowance, you want to check that roaming protection is set up and decide which option works best for you.

Roaming protection options