Published: 26/2/2024

Notice of Annual Inflationary Price Changes, effective 1st April 2024

After careful consideration and analysis of annually increasing electricity, global supply chain and overhead costs, it

is with regret we must inform you of a necessary 5.5% inflationary price increase. Please be assured, we have made

every effort to keep this increase to a minimum and will continue to honour our current prices up to 31st March 2024.

We remain committed to providing high-quality telecommunications services and greatly appreciate your business and

continued support. Our apologies for the lengthy notice, we are required in our Telecommunications License to publish all tariffs impacted and to provide you a right to terminate, should you choose, for detrimental effect.

A summary of the 5.5% or specific tariff increases that apply, excluding VAT, from the 1st of April 24 are as follows:

Fixed line rentals, including those with enhanced Service Care Levels

All call setup charges increase from 22p to 23p, applies also to Talk Over Fibre, Talk Only, and SIP/VoIP tariffs

Increase to Fixed call charge rates to all destinations by 1p or 5.5% whichever is greater (see table 6 overleaf)

Legacy fibre broadband tariffs, Fibre provided prior to June 2022, including enhanced Service Care Levels

All live and legacy copper broadband (xDSL) tariffs, including enhanced Service Care Levels

All live mobile tariffs, including Smart, Essential and MyFamily mobile tariffs listed

Mobile out-of-bundle call, data and SMS charges to all zones

All Intelligent voice-hosted VoIP tariffs and services

Paper billing charges increase by £0.50 to £3.50 please note a free e-Bill option continues to be available


General Exclusions

Current on-sale fibre broadband tariffs launched post June 2022 are not impacted

Operator, Directory Enquiry and Information Services (e.g. Speaking Clock) are not impacted

The UK operator portion of non-geographic fixed and usage-based services are not impacted

Low User Choice tariff rental, our social inclusion tariff, is not impacted

Inclusive call periods are not impacted

Router deferred payment charges are not impacted


Important Notice – Your Right to Cancel

We greatly appreciate your business and hope we can count on your continued support. Given the price changes notified we are required by the terms of our Telecommunications License to provide you a right to terminate the affected part of our agreement, if the change we have made materially disadvantages you. Full details of our obligations are outlined within our Consumer General Terms & Conditions, clause 39.

If you are within your minimum contract term period and have a valid reason to terminate our agreement prior to the contract end date, you may do so without incurring an early termination charge for the provision of affected services. If this applies, you will be able to cancel your affected contract up to and including 31st May 2024. Charges will be backdated to 1st April 2024, the date on which the new rates applied.

If you have questions relating these changes, please contact our Customer

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